The idea of creating the Choreographic Development Center la Termitière (CDC la Termitière) dates back to 2000. But it was not until December 2006 that the center was inaugurated, thanks to the support of the Burkinabe government and the French cooperation.

CDC la Termitière is a groundbreaking and unique project in Africa. Initiated by internationally-acclaimed Burkinabe choreographers Salia Sanou and Seydou Boro, its main goal is to foster the development of contemporary dance in Burkina Faso and on the African continent.

CDC la Termitière offers a wide array of activities for professional artists and amateurs. Providing support to professional dancers with a well-equipped dance space, professional training workshops and unique opportunities to create and show their work. Gathering dancers from Burkina Faso and elsewhere, who learn from world-renown choreographers, with two professional dance workshops a year. Amateurs and children can also take dance and theatre classes. The center offers space and technical equipment for creative residencies as well.

Since 2009, Salia Sanou has initiated artistic projects, like « Je danse donc je suis » and « Yeelen don », helping young people with hard-living conditions through artistic creation. Believing in their capacity to get out of misery and despair and taking action for a better life. Today, several of the beneficiaries work with international dance companies and tour the world.

Salia Sanou also launched the Refugees on the move project, with the support of African Artists for Development (AAD). This project seeks to ensure the well-being of Malian refugees living in refugee camps of Saag-nioniogo and Mentao in Burkina Faso, and to help reduce intra and inter-community violence through dance and music.


Performances and showings are regularly organized at CDC la Termitière. Every two years, festival Dialogues de corps gathers professional dancers, choreographers and cultural actors. On this occasion, activities include dance workshops, performances, talkbacks, screenings and conferences.

CDC la Termitière has been commissioned by the Institut français to organize the first panafrican dance festival, Triennale de la dance, in November/December 2016, with the cooperation of dance school EDIT.

The association Les Amis du Centre de Developpement Chorégraphique la Termitière :

This association has one ambition : to support the development of this groundbreaking project in this part of Africa. It is known to be a tool of cultural coopération, in Burkina Faso. Founded on mutuality of reciprocity between emblematic artists of contemporary choreographic creation, as Salia Sanou and Seydou Boro, and cultural structures based in France and directed by professionals who are responsive to creation, whichever side it comes from.